SAVA’s business location

The whole picture – with just a single click. Find out more about our business location, what services it offers and how to contact us.

SAVA’s business location

The REMONDIS Group’s business locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 800 branches and associated companies in more than 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The REMONDIS Group’s business locations

REMONDIS SAVA is well known for its expertise and commitment. We work together to give our best - for each and every customer

A strong team. Working for you!

It is a company's employees that push the business forward. Each and every member of the team contributes towards REMONDIS SAVA's success. Their knowledge and abilities, their skills and talents all merge into one with the result being more than just the sum of its parts. REMONDIS SAVA currently has around 72 employees who are there to assist and advise. Details on how to reach the most important contact people have been listed below.

Thanks to the specialist knowledge and experience of our employees, we are able to provide top quality services - all the time

Managing Director

Dr. Martin Kemmler (Sales Director)
T +49 4852 8308-62

René Jurock 
T +49 4852 8308-62