SAVA’s business location

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SAVA’s business location

The REMONDIS Group’s business locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 800 branches and associated companies in more than 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The REMONDIS Group’s business locations

By using cutting-edge technology, we contribute greatly towards protecting the environment and preventing climate change

Promoting ecological sustainability

Being an operator of a hazardous waste incineration plant, we are well aware of our responsibilities towards keeping the environment clean and creating a sustainable future. To achieve this, we combine the most efficient processes with state-of-the-art technology and convenient and practical services - without ever losing sight of the economic aspects of the business.

In action all around the world – REMONDIS SAVA works right across the globe helping to promote sustainability. Where? Find out here by reading about our projects

Ambitious goals to help prevent climate change

When it comes to reducing the amount of hazardous substances and other materials that are released into the atmosphere, we not only adhere to the strict legal limits but go a step further and set our own targets which are even more stringent. We are able to meet these goals thanks to the efficiency of our modern incineration plant and to our team of highly qualified staff who operate the facility and ensure it is run cost-effectively.

Increasing safety

We wish to achieve more than simply incinerating waste in an environmentally friendly way. We collect hazardous waste from all around the world to ensure it undergoes professional treatment at our plant. Moreover, we supply our customers with details about our terms of delivery as well as instruction sheets so that they know how their hazardous waste must be packed and transported - to achieve the greatest possible levels of safety.

Mandatory publication as per Section 23 of the ‘17. BImSchV’

Information provided in accordance with the 17th Ordinance of the Federal Emissions Control Act (17. BlmSchV) for the period: 01.01.2022 bis 31.12.2022 PDF

Added value

Thermal treatment and flue gas cleaning processes generate residual materials such as slag, filter dust and gypsum. These can be re-used in an environmentally friendly way - for example to build roads at landfills or to stabilise old mines. The heat generated by the plant is used to produce electricity, up to a third of which is fed into the national grid.