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SAVA’s business location

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The REMONDIS Group’s business locations

Designing a safe plant and protecting local residents and the environment were the no. 1 priorities when planning and building our plant in Brunsbüttel

REMONDIS SAVA's hazardous waste incineration plant.
A detailed look at the technology

Throughout the planning stages and the construction of REMONDIS SAVA's hazardous waste incineration plant in Brunsbüttel, priority was put on building a safe plant so as to protect both people and the environment. Since then we have continued to focus on achieving high levels of safety by ensuring that all emissions remain below the legal limits at all times – helping to create long-term ecological advantages.

Carefully designed for maximum safety
Both systematic safety analyses and all relevant regulations, such as work safety and fire & explosion prevention, were taken into account when the plant was built


Plant laboratory
Before the vehicles are unloaded, the waste is inspected and samples taken and analysed in the company’s laboratory in accordance with waste legislation.

Drum storage area
The high-bay warehouse is designed to hold 288 pallets of waste stored in small containers and drums.

Tank farm
Liquid waste is pumped into the tank farm which has a total capacity of 720m³.

Bunker for solid waste
Solid waste delivered in containers and skips is tipped straight into the 700m³ bunker where it is premixed before being incinerated.

Shredder and feeder
Closed drums are cut up in the shredder before being transferred straight to the rotary kiln via the feeder.

Drum elevator
Chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and other types of harmful waste are fed straight into the rotary kiln via the drum elevator.

Rotary kiln
The waste undergoes thermal treatment in the rotary kiln – the heart of the plant – to make it non-toxic. The rotary kiln is fed specific mixtures of solid, liquid and pasty waste to ensure the combustion properties vary only very slightly. During the thermal treatment, the waste is slowly rotated towards the end of the kiln.

Wet slag extractor
The resulting slag drops into a water pool where it is cooled down and any metal contents removed using a magnet. The recovered scrap is then sent for materials recycling.

Secondary combustion chamber
The secondary combustion chamber ensures all gases are fully burnt out, i.e. any remaining organic substances are completely destroyed. In accordance with the 17th Ordinance of the Federal Emissions Control Act, the dwell time of the gases must be at least two seconds and the temperature a minimum 1,100°C.

Steam generator
The steam boiler generates steam (320°C / 40 bar) which is then fed into the turbine unit.

The steam is transferred from the boiler to the turbine where it is transformed into electricity. Maximum output is 4.5 MW. Approx. 2 MW of this is used by the plant itself and the rest is fed into the national grid.

Spray dryer
Following the generation of the steam in the boiler, the flue gas is cooled down in the spray dryer by evaporating the neutralised wastewater from the quench and HCI scrubber.

Electrostatic precipitator
The dusty flue gases, which have been cooled down to 210°C, slowly flow through the electrostatic precipitator. The fine dust is collected as a result of the ionisation process of the dust particles.

Quench cooler
The quench cools the flue gases down to saturation temperature to protect the subsequent wet scrubbing systems. The cooling process is carried out very quickly to prevent dioxins and furans from forming. The quench is also used to extract mercury.

HCI scrubber
The HCI scrubber uses a two-phase process to remove hydrogen halides and any remaining dust and heavy metals. The resulting wastewater is neutralised and then evaporated in the spray dryer.

SO2 scrubber
The alkaline scrubber (lime milk) also operates in two stages and eliminates SOX (sulphur oxides).

Gypsum dewatering system
A gypsum suspension is formed as a result of the oxidation process with atmospheric oxygen. The water is removed from this mixture to create dry gypsum, which is sent on for recycling.

Suction fans
The fans transport the flue gas to the chimney generating a negative pressure – along the entire system from the rotary kiln to the chimney – to ensure that the flue gas is unable to leak out.

Adsorption fabric filter
The gases are heated up again so that they can be cleaned with activated carbon in the adsorption fabric filter. After this, a mixture of fine lime and activated carbon is injected into the system to re-move any organic trace elements and residual heavy metals from the flue gas.

Gas-gas heat exchanger
The gas-gas heat exchanger heats up the flue gas for the catalytic converter and then cools it down again before it enters the chimney.

DeNOX catalytic converter
The DeNOX catalytic converter transforms the nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and water through the addition of an ammonia solution.

The chimney releases the hot flue gas (approx. 140°C) into the atmosphere at a height of 60m. The gases are monitored and measured continuously.

Flue gas cleaning concept

We create decisive ecological advantages at our incineration plant by operating a chain of processes that is not only efficient but also strictly monitored.


In Germany, flue gas emissions are subject to stringent laws. Our plant's emissions are clearly below these legal limits - making an important contribution towards protecting the environment.

Technical Data

We have drawn up a table of the most important facts and figures about our plant. You can access it by clicking here.

Terms of delivery

Safety first: take a look at our terms of delivery to see which types of waste we accept and under what conditions.

Information for the public

The German Hazardous Incident Ordinance [Störfallverordnung] requires us to provide local inhabitants living close to our business premises with information about what measures they should take and how they should react in the event of an emergency. Providing these booklets does not, of course, mean that an emergency is more likely to happen. They are simply an integral part of the system of measures we have put in place to keep local residents safe. The last inspection carried out by the authorities as per the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance was on 27.02.2024.

Our brochure can be found here